Food Allergy Testing & Food Intolerance/Sensitivity Testing
Have you ever eaten something and you know you're going to regret it later? You know it makes you feel bloated or gassy, maybe fatigued or you get a headache. Maybe you don't know what foods cause these certain symptoms but you do experience them or picky about certain foods. You know you're allergic to certain foods because you get the typical itchy throat or even full blown hives.
Food Allergies vs. Food Sensitivities
But did you know you can be sensitive and react to foods without the obvious symptoms as well? Food sensitivities can show up as indigestion, bloating, gas, headaches, fatigue, eczema, dry skin and even painful joints.
When you test for food allergies you're testing for Immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody reactions to them. IgE's show a true food allergy reaction and is most commonly tested. BUT you can test for food sensitivities too by test for Immunoglobulin G (IgG) reactions. You could be sensitive to foods you eat every day and not even know it. Just because you don't get the typical hives doesn't mean the body isn't having an inflammatory reaction to it.
Allergy Testing for Adults & Children
This test is great for kids and adults! What you eat every day sends a very important message to your body and even to your DNA. On average in the U.S., we spend approximately 2.5 hours eating or drinking each day, and we consume 1,966.3 pounds of food (nearly one ton) each year!
Common Food Sensitivity Symptoms
When evaluating your health, it is important to analyze the foods you eat often to see how your immune system responds to them. In a study of 30 people who took the Food Sensitivity Profile, headaches and chronic GI symptoms involving pain, diarrhea, constipation, and bloating decreased when allergenic foods were identified and removed.
Because of the high frequency of food sensitivities and the tremendous quantity of food that we eat on a regular basis, many doctors use food sensitivity testing to help get to the root cause of chronic, unexplained illnesses.
Comprehensive IgE, IgG4, IgG, & C3d Testing
We offer multiple options for food allergy/sensitivity testing. Our most preferred test is the P88 Antigen Test by Precision Point Diagnostics. It checks 88 different foods over 4 different immune pathways (IgE, IgG4, IgG, C3d).
Click here for a sample report: P88 SAMPLE REPORT